Syracuse Game Info

Zoo folk,

We finally have what probably is the biggest game on the home schedule this coming Saturday vs #6 Syracuse. Not a top 5 opponent, but a top 10 opponent almost as good. There’s a couple of things we wanted to let you guys know of so you can be aware…

1. The Pete opens at 5 am on Saturday to let folks in. We’ve had many many people ask us what time to get in line for “good” seats. That’s entirely up to you. We can almost guarantee you will not be the first in line if you stroll up to the Pete at 5 am though. We’ve had folks asking about tenting on Friday night, and the athletic department told us they’d “rather have students just come at 5 am”. Take that whatever way you want to.

2. Every fan in the building will receive a gold shirt similar to the “This Is Our House” shirts given out the past two years at other games. Every Zoo member in the LOWER bowl will receive a little something extra as well (barring the shipment not making it here).

3. Wear a bathrobe to the game. Syracuse starting guard Michael Carter-Williams was caught trying to steal a bathrobe and gloves from Lord & Taylor in December. When we had general meetings asking about this idea, students thought this was a fun idea. So wear a snuggie, a bathrobe, or even a blanket if you have to. Have some fun with it too. Shower caps, pajama pants, whatever you want to spice it up. (Bathrobes also function as a pillow in line, FYI)

4. Zoo Animals. Folks always mention we need more animals in the Zoo. So we’ll be printing up some blown up “big heads” of animals (instead of random celebrities). We encourage students going to the game to find some pictures of animals, and make a poster out of using a site like (super easy to use to print out on normal printer paper). Go nuts, and make a ridiculously sized elephant or giraffe. Have some fun with it. We’ve seen some animal hats and other props, so you can have those too.

5. The Pete now has a system for us to post messages to the Zoo and fans in the Pete via the jumbo-tron  Think of it as a giant electronic whiteboard. We’ll certainly still use the normal whiteboards to communicate as well.

6. If you weren’t at DePaul, we have a 5th cheer on offense. It’s “Lets Go” *clap clap* “Pitts-burgh” *clap clap*. If you have any suggestions for more chants, let us know!

7. Pitt football Junior Day. 35+ 2014 football recruits will be at the game, including some of the top prospects in PA. Make sure they feel welcome, and let them know to come to Pitt as they walk by the Zoo as they come in.

8. We’ll have all the normal stuff on the rap sheet we usually hand out before games. If you have some good dirt on a player, tweet it or email it to us.

That’s all, folks. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestion feel free to tweet them (@OaklandZoo) or email them to us (

Lets Go Pitt, and Beat the Orange!


6 Responses to “Syracuse Game Info”

  1. Zach Eddinger Says:

    Reblogged this on the sports floor.

  2. Pitt Sucks Says:

    Let’s go Orange!!!!

  3. Jes2 Says:

    Cheer recommendation…

    Ver-i-tas–Vir!-tus!…Ver-i-tas–Vir!-tus!…, etc, etc

    As in a quick 1-2-3 [split second pause] 4!-5!

    Make sure to pronounce the latin correctly.

    Take that Hoya Saxa. This would be unique to the Zoo and Pitt, and besides befuddling our enemies, it would show how much smarter we are than them.

  4. Pitt NCAA Fails Says:

    9. Dont forget to jump up and down while yelling “ohhhhhhh” just like the Cameron Crazies.
    10. Dont forget that we stole the name “zoo” from Syracuse.
    11. Dont tell anyone we lost to Rutgers this year.

  5. Oakland As have almost every fanbase cheering them on – Current Affairs of This Week Says:

    […] Syracuse Game Info | Oakland Zoo Fans 6. If you weren’t at DePaul, we have a 5th cheer on offense. It’s “Lets Go” *clap clap* “Pitts-burgh” *clap clap*. If you have any suggestions for more chants, let us know! 7. Pitt football Junior Day. 35+ 2014 football recruits will be at the game, including some of the top prospects in PA. […]

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